The Greatest Sales Conversation Ever Part 3

Overcoming Objection

Do you get that yucky feeling in your belly when it comes to making your offer? 

You’re wondering:

🤔 What’s my prospect going to say? 

🤔 Are they going to reject me? 

🤔 What am I going to say if they do?

Instead of freaking out about what they may or may not say, let’s strengthen your sales muscle in a way that creates authentic connections where your people want to do business with you – not from a place of manipulation, but from a heart of service.

This is Part 3 of The Greatest Sales Conversation Ever. As we wrap up this 3-Part Series, we’ve gone deep and I’m feeling there have been transformational breakthroughs. People are shifting the way they’re approaching their businesses from a sales standpoint. What I mean by that is they’re selling according to the King’s standard. 

I started this series by talking about how Jesus said he only did what he saw his Father do. As Christian Entrepreneurs, we want the same.

Jesus demonstrated the greatest sales conversation ever when talking to the woman at the well. In Part 1, I laid out the foundation of a Kingdom Mindset. In Part 2, I covered how to Position Your Offer. In this final blog of The Greatest Sales Conversation Ever, I’m going to be tapping into how to Overcome Objections

Questions relating to sales, like the ones above, can become barriers preventing us from finishing strong and closing the sale. That prevents our ideal client from receiving what they want and have been praying for.


For Mindset #11, we are cultivating a prophet mindset. I know that may sound scary because you’re like, “I’m not a prophet. How do I cultivate a prophet mindset?” Scripture helps us tap into what that looks like so stick with me. 

Jesus is at the well with the Samaritan woman and he just called her out saying, “Hey, go get your husband.” She replied, “I don’t have a husband.” 

Jesus affirmed, “No, you don’t have a husband. In fact, you’ve had five and the one you’re living with now, he’s not even your husband.”

She’s like, “Yeah, you spoke the truth.” 

In verse 19, the woman says, “Sir, you must be a prophet. So, tell me why is it that the Jews insist that Jerusalem is the only place for worship while we Samaritans claim it is here at the mountain?” 

Let’s focus on, “You must be a prophet.”

When you know their problem so deeply and position your offer so strongly, your ideal clients feel seen, heard, affirmed, and acknowledged. 

They begin to feel like you’re a prophet!

The Samaritan woman felt, “He saw me and my situation. I feel heard and affirmed. I’m shaking my head in agreement with him because I feel he was able to regurgitate facts that no one else knows about me. He knew my situation even though I’ve never met this person. He’s speaking the truth so he must be a prophet.” 

That was Jesus tapping into her and knowing the problem she faced so well that it felt like he knew her personally. 

We have to be so aligned and in tune with our ideal client’s problem, they feel like we know them personally. Although many people think prophecy is just about telling the future, being a good prophet is about encouraging, edifying, and helping a person see where they are and to speak into the bigger picture of their future.

Many times, people are not doing business with you because they don’t feel seen or heard. They feel like they’re just another transaction when listening to your sales pitch. If during your pitch (your offer) you hear them say, “Oh that sounds great”, or “Oh that sounds interesting”, let me tell you, they did not feel seen or heard. 

You don’t want that.

You want them to feel connected to you and that you have the answer to their problem.

Tapping into Mindset #11 – cultivating a prophet mindset, means you’re already overcoming objections!


Mindset #12 helps you cultivate the mindset and understanding that questions are good.

Have you ever been in a sales call so afraid of being asked questions about what you do or what you have to offer?

Your brain starts spinning with thoughts of:

Questions are good!

Questions are actually great because it means they’re bought in, or at least interested in what you have to offer. 

When Jesus spoke the truth to the Samaritan woman, it opened up her eyes and provoked questions. I’m sure she felt scared when Jesus spoke to her because:

  • I am a woman. 
  • We are alone. 
  • This is out of tradition. 

She might have thought, “Sir, get away from me because I’m not trying to get stoned.” 

But after he spoke to her exact situation, she felt safe to ask her questions.

If we’re responding to our clients by making them feel the things they’re going through without shame or judgment, that helps them open up and feel safe to ask questions. Embrace the fact that they are asking questions. 

One way to do that is to write down some of the questions that may come up so you can feel prepared for that conversation. Just don’t be so caught up in your prepared answers that you’re not listening.

Jesus listened so deeply that He was able to reflect things to her nobody else would have known if they didn’t know her intimately. That built trust!

When you begin to build trust, the partnership is starting to form and they see you as a trusted source – someone they can partner with.


When you cultivate an evangelist mindset

When you present an offer this good, your people will want to tell everybody how good:

  • Your offer is,
  • That {sales} conversation was, and 
  • It is to be in partnership with you.

Jesus’ offer was so good that the woman left her water jar beside the well and ran back to the village telling everybody to “come and see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could he possibly be the Messiah?”

Listen here…we talk about sales being hard. Do you know why it’s hard? 

We haven’t positioned our offer well enough that the person on the receiving end is willing to go tell everybody.

We want our offer to be so good that somebody goes and tells everybody.  That’s when they are evangelizing for us!

What better testimony can you have than the word-of-mouth testimony of somebody sharing the experience they had with you?


After the woman ran back to her village sharing the news {evangelizing}, the disciples entered the scene and they’re like, “Jesus, you need to eat something.”

Jesus replied, “I have a kind of food you know nothing about. My nourishment comes from doing the will of God who sent me, and from finishing his work.” 

Man, let me tell you, there is something about finishing. Every time I say the word “finishing”, it does something to my soul.

In sales, we can get discouraged and start to feel like this stuff isn’t working. We can’t worry about that because our fulfillment comes from finishing the work that God has started.

It’s my responsibility to do my part:

  • Show up, 
  • Continue to make invitations {offers} to people, and 
  • Meet them at the point of their need. 

Even if they choose to say no!

As an entrepreneur, when they reject your offer, you feel like quitting or giving up. Let me tell you, when you do that, you don’t have a legacy mindset.

I share so much more about this in Episode 14 of The Gifted Entrepreneur Show including how to apply Kingdom Principles to create a legacy mindset.

I don’t know about you but I’m looking forward to finishing the race well to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” 

Finishing strong is a process – there’s seeding time, planting time, and harvest time. 

We also need to: “Wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe and ready for harvest.” ~John 4:35.

So when you say you can’t find ideal prospects, let me tell you that the fields are already ripe and ready to harvest. Your people are there! All you have to do is:

  1. Plan; 
  2. Do the work;
  3. Stay consistent; and
  4. Finish strong. 

That’s when “woman at the well” who may have given up on herself is going to find you – the solutionary to her problem.

At that moment, because you’ve done the work and stayed consistent, you’ll be able to look at her with a discerning eye and say, “Oh, that’s her”. You’ll have the God-confidence to start that conversation and go deep enough for her to feel seen, heard, and affirmed. 


When we don’t negate the power of one, your offer should create a ripple effect.

Because of the obedience of the Samaritan woman {the one}, many believed.

You don’t know the influence that one carries. You don’t know the power of connecting to the one until you deeply connect and it creates a ripple effect – opening doors for other opportunities for you to step in and offer your services to the masses. By speaking to the one, the masses will be blessed.

John 4:39 says that, “Many Samaritans from the village believed in Jesus because the woman said, “He told me everything I ever did.””

What is the impact that is created from those moments? How many lives are touched because you were willing to:

Listen, there’s so much power in you! The world needs what you have. If you are questioning what that looks like and what gifts you have to offer, yet want to finish strong, I’m challenging you to schedule a call with us to see how we can partner with you. 

If you are committed, serious, and ready to elevate to your next level as a Christian Business Leader, go ahead and schedule that call. If we’re a fit, we’ll walk with you and help you enter into your next level. If we’re not a fit, out of integrity, we’ll actually let you know on that call.

There are eternal blessings attached to the decisions you choose to make today. The decisions you make today affect future generations you have been called to impact – your children’s children, and the lives of the community members your gifts have been called to affect generational change. 

It’s all connected to your “yes” and getting past those moments of questioning yourself, feeling like you don’t have what it takes to succeed in business. We’re not worried about what we don’t have – we focus on Who we have. When we partner with Jesus and the right community, you get the right tools to draw out the living water you possess. That’s when you become unstoppable!

I look forward to partnering with you!

~LaDondra Hervey

Podcast Host | Generational Wealth Accelerator | Christian Business Coach | Transformational Keynote Speaker

P.S. If you’re having a hard time believing that generational wealth is possible for you, I want to invite you to connect with me personally. Sometimes you have to position yourself with people who can see things in you that you can’t see in yourself and allow those people to breathe life into your situation to help you believe!

I’ve opened up the doors to a few private one-on-one coaching opportunities. This is a fit if you are ready to believe that generational wealth IS possible, and you’re willing to do what it takes to position yourself to create generational wealth and make a legacy impact.

You have everything you need to be the Christian entrepreneur you’ve been called to be and to fulfill the assignment that God had in mind when he created you.

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