How hiring a Christian Business Coach can increase your bottom line!

5 Ways a Christian Business Coach can help you to increase your financial bottom line

Have you had the experience of being burned through a coaching experience? You invested your hard earned money with the hopes to receive God-led business coaching that would yield RESULTS! But maybe what you found was a lot of theory and cookie cutter programs that promises a one-size fit all strategy. I’ve sure had my fair share of that, that’s why I’m writing this blog article. My intention is not to minimize anyone but rather to empower you as a Christian Woman Entrepreneur with insights and tips to help you as you’re deciding on the right Christian Business Coach to partner with on your entrepreneurial journey. Let’s jump into the first tip.


To partner with the RIGHT Coach means to be in alliance with one who has been Divinely enabled by the equipping of the Holy Spirit to cause increase to happen in their area of influence. Their area of influence is where their gifts are the most impactful! This is a person who has been given WISDOM that supersedes book knowledge to be skillful at their craft.

The best way to discover if this person has been Divinely equipped in this way is by getting to know them through a consultation call prior to working with them. Most coaches offer a 15-30 minute call for free to see if working together is a fit for you and them. Christian Business Coaches that are divinely equipped in this way will carry an essence about them, and you can tell it by the words they speak and the way they tell you that they plan to work with you. If it sounds like a bunch of hype and fluff it probably is, but if it sounds rooted in the Holy Spirit and like they have YOUR goals at the forefront of their strategy then you’re probably in good company. Prior to this call, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to give you discernment to read between the lines and guide you to make a good decision. 


God-sized vision & perspective is to be deeply attuned into the Holy Spirit in a way that He speaks a specific word(s) or plans to help lead and guide the client relationship. Starting in this way positions Christ at the head of all plans as you and your potential coach seek FIRST the Kingdom of Heaven to inform the plans being made on behalf of your business. This kind of attuning into the Holy Spirit has led many of the clients who have worked with me and my team to experience life changing results in their business. They come stuck in their businesses, lacking clarity of direction and as a result most have plateaued financially. However, when they begin working with us, we take a DEEP-DIVE look into their business to understand the root of their problems. Using my gift of PROPHECY, I am able to see beyond what the natural eye sees to give our clients perspective into their FUTURE and uncover past and present issues that are blocking their success, offer strategic guidance on how to overcome those barriers, AND provide a customized implementation plan that positions them to step into the GOD-SIZED Vision that THE Creator had in mind when He created them! The gift of prophecy offers Holy Spirit led insights that speak into the past, present, and future to encourage believers. As a result of being tapped into these gifts, clients typically double and even triple their income in less than 90 days!!! We typically hear things like, “Your program was life changing!” When clients say that, they’re not just referring to the money they made (although that’s a factor), but it’s more about the person they became in the process of creating those life-changing results!

When you partner with the RIGHT Coach – You are putting their supernatural gifts from the equipping of the Holy Spirit on top of your natural problems – and the UNITY of that partnership creates rapid acceleration!!!


According to the bureau of labor statistics approximately 20% of all new businesses fail within the first year, 30% fail by the end of the second year, and 50% fail by year 5!!! Crazy right!!! But it makes total sense – because truth be told, business is HARD when you don’t have CLARITY and SUPPORT!!! Proverbs 15:22 tells us that, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” Having a Christian Business Coach who stands on Kingdom principles provides a safeguard against failure. The right coach possesses the wisdom to help you navigate difficult seasons in your business without compromising the authenticity of your unique assignment as a business owner (this is huge)! She will help you to get clear on your natural gifts & talents and equip you with strategies to step into your area of influence with unwavering confidence to BE, DO, AND HAVE everything that God has in store for you! This type of counsel serves as your safeguard against failure and positions you for sustainable success!!


A Christian Business Coach will help you to bend time, so you can produce the highest result in the shortest period of time!! When you’re working with the RIGHT Coach who is gifted in her lane, you’re tapping into infinite wisdom!! Seriously! Let me explain. God has given each of us delegated authority to be rulers in our area of influence! That means with that responsibility He has conferred to us His mind to get the job done! 1 Corinthians 2:16 says, ““Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.” Through the equipping of the Holy Spirit, we have been given the mind of Christ to see things and solve problems that seem impossible to the human mind – but we know that when we partner with God, nothing is impossible. When your Coach is operating in her Divine Lane of Authority, and is fully yielded to the Holy Spirit, she has strategically aligned herself to the ways of THE King; therefore, He yields His Wisdom to her for the benefit of others (that’s you)! That’s why Kings and Queens benefited from Kings Solomon’s Wisdom – it was this strategic alignment with Heaven that yielded unmatched wisdom! He coupled His gift of leadership with a prayer for access to THE King’s mind – which created a Holy Alliance of Heaven and Earth in Partnership! Being in partnership with this kind of wisdom will help you to conquer the giants in your life faster, thereby helping you to collapse decades into months.


Truly, I could go on and on giving you reasons on “How hiring a Christian Business Coach can increase your bottom line.” But the fact of the matter is – it’s something you have to experience!!! Once you experience this type of coaching you will shift from trying to make the pieces of your business come together (i.e. funnels, ads, challenges, lead magnets, etc.) to standing in your authority as the MASTERPIECE you were created to be! When you’re in this place you shift into having unshakeable clarity and confidence in your area of influence, and you become a magnet for rapid acceleration – and then the pieces just work themselves out!

  • If you are curious to find out what it would be like to work with a Christian Business Coach like me, I’d love to schedule a call to discuss how my team and I can partner with you to create rapid acceleration in your life and business. Book a call HERE!


~LaDondra Hervey

Podcast Host | Generational Wealth Accelerator | Christian Business Coach

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