How to Convert Your Ideal Client: “From Prospects to Clients”

Uncovering the Top 3 Sales Obstacles that Keep Christian Entrepreneurs from Converting Their Offers

Before I dive into today’s topic, I want to talk about guilt and how it affects our business flow. Many of us are not operating in the fullness of our gifts because of guilt. The guilt I’m talking about is when you feel like you’re not doing enough, or that you don’t deserve more because your worth is predicated on your work and the results you produce.

What are the signs of operating from a place of guilt?

You will know that you are operating from a place of guilt when you’re having a hard time striking the balance of your faith and your works.

The Bible tells us faith without works is dead. True! But, we also have to remember that faith requires faith in God, not in our works.

In my case study of Tyler Perry, I shared that if you are putting your faith in your works, then you are putting more expectation on what you can do instead of having faith and expectation on what God can do for you. If you missed that podcast episode, or just want to relisten for those nuggets of wisdom you may have missed the first time, you can listen here.

There are two parts to faith. Our part is sowing the seed of our ideas and our creativity and then till the ground; then, there’s a part where we have to step into faith and say, “Ok God, I trust you to send the rain, sunshine, and make my harvest yield a crop that I am expecting. My hope is in you. I’m showing up and doing my part, but I need you, God, to show up and do your part.”

Are you being dependent on your own works, or are you relying on God? 

When you’re overwhelming your brain and can never find relaxation because you are at war with yourself trying to figure out what’s the right next move, that’s when you are relying on yourself. In that state of mind, you are working for God instead of working from God. 

Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit your works to the Lord (submit and trust them to him), and your plans will succeed (if you respond to His will and His guidance).”

Your plans will succeed if you respond to His will and guidance which requires us to get out of pressure and come back into alignment with purpose.

I go deeper into this during the “From Pressure to Purpose” segment in Episode 8 of The Gifted Entrepreneur Show podcast. So, if this is something you struggle with, I’d highly recommend you take a listen so you can truly begin to walk into a new level of purpose and freedom.

Now, let’s dive into our main topic, From Prospects to Clients: Uncovering the Top 3 Sales Obstacles that Keep Christian Entrepreneurs from Converting Their Offers.

I’ve noticed the word “convert” can be a triggering word when it comes to “converting” clients. But, when you look up the word “convert”, it’s really just about persuasion

There’s a quote out there that says “Persuasion is not what you do to people, it is what you do for people”. When you understand how to persuade in a healthy way that aligns with your ideal clients’ goals and values, you begin to understand sales isn’t what you’re doing to manipulate people, but rather it is about what you’re doing for people to bring about transformation or a solution to their problem.

When we look at this from the blueprint of the Generational Wealth C.O.D.E.S., our signature method that we use to help our clients unlock their unique gifts and create generational wealth, I’m going to discuss the ‘D’ of the C.O.D.E.S. which stands for Dominion. Understanding how to cultivate a dominion mindset empowers you to walk in God-confidence and in the authority of your brand knowing you were chosen for the assignment.

You can learn more about how to unlock all the C.O.D.E.S. to elevate your business and create generational wealth by checking out our Generational Wealth C.O.D.E.S Masterclass.

Alright, let’s tap into the top three sales obstacles keeping Christian Entrepreneurs from converting their offers.


The very first reason keeping you from converting your offer is that you are not inspired by the things you’re offering.

I know you’re probably thinking “How’s that even possible?” 

You’re not inspired by your own product or service because you are offering things you feel are expected. This is the key part here. You’re offering things that you feel are expected by market trends and not really flowing from a place of your gifts, your anointing, and your divine blueprint God wired you to bring forward. 

Have you really explored all that is in you? 

I was listening to a clip from a podcast with David Shands with Social Proof Podcast, and he was talking about Elon Musk. When Elon Musk was thinking about creating the Tesla, there was no demand for electric cars. The demand was for a reliable, cost-efficient car that was good on gas. What he did was he innovated to create Tesla thus creating a higher demand for electric cars.

That’s why it’s our responsibility to use our God-given talents, passions, and experience to innovate and create demand based on the problem that we were uniquely wired to solve.

What problem were you uniquely wired to solve? 

God is giving you the vision; he’s giving you the blueprint. It’s your responsibility to tap into your God-given gifts to bring that to the market in a unique way to solve a problem. When you do that, you begin to tap into a new level of inspiration that becomes infectious. Suddenly people are coming out of the woodwork wanting to engage with what you have to offer – that’s inspiring!

On the flip side, when you’re doing things based on expectations, you’re coming from an uninspiring energy. So, when you make your offer, people can read your energy and sense when you’re not energetically aligned to the product. When that happens, they’re not persuaded to “convert”.

How can you be energetically tapped into your product or service?

By tapping into the ‘C’ of our C.O.D.E.S. – creativity, and turn your skills into a monetizable business that you love

Start to creatively use your God-given gifts and skills to create something you believe in. Many people do the same thing you do, so why you? Why should they buy from you?

People want to know:

Create something that inspires you! 

Being able to communicate the value you offer in a way that is inspiring makes your ideal client want to do business with you.

If you’d like to see what that looks like and learn how to integrate your gifts, talents, passions, and experiences to create a compelling experience that attracts your ideal audience, I want to recommend you take our GIFTED Place Assessment [CLICK HERE]. This assessment will help you figure out what your unique gifts are and how to use them to create a monetizable business you love!

Hear more about those gifts in Episode 3 of The Gifted Entrepreneur Show, “Secrets to Discover Your Gifted Place in Business”you can listen here.


The number two reason your offers are not converting prospects into paid clients: you’re not a product of the product.

This is going to take some self-evaluation but I believe you’re ready to do the hard work. You’re ready to uncover root issues that have kept you stuck for generations, and you’re ready to deal with them. 

When you’re not a product of the product you can find yourself selling what you can’t relate to, or something you haven’t done or experienced yourself.

When I first started my business, I invested in a high-end coach who really believed in premium offers. Even though premium offers are great, I had no personal experience with them. So, I wasn’t really a product of the product yet. I was somewhat, because I had invested in her premium offer, but I didn’t personally know what that meant for me.

When I tried to put my premium offers out there, I was very hesitant because there was a disconnect in what I knew or had experienced at that point in my business. Now, I can make premium offers with confidence because I’ve been there.

  • I’ve made many high-ticket investments, 
  • I know what it feels like, 
  • I know how much of a blessing it is to work with me and my team, and 
  • I see the results we help our clients create!

Let me be honest, it doesn’t matter where you start with your offer. 

I know the marketplace says, “Go premium! If you don’t go premium, you’re not going to have a successful business.” From personal experience, I know there are so many people killing it {financially} with low-end offers! One business coach I know is killing it off of $15 and $500 offers and she’s already at half a million dollars in her business. 

It’s not about if your offer is premium or not, it’s about who you’re being when you make that offer.

When I was thinking about this for my own business, I asked, “Okay, God, what value can I give them that’s really going to be transforming to my clients business?” 

As I dug deeper, I was reminded of Acts 19 which talks about some Jewish people who weren’t true believers of Christ but they were trying to cast out a demon just like the disciples had done. It didn’t work!

They were trying to replicate what the disciples were doing but it was unsuccessful because they weren’t a product of the product.

They were trying to do what they’d seen done without experiencing it for themselves. They thought that since they saw it {done by others} and heard what the disciples were saying {could be done} that they could do it too. 

How many of us have found ourselves like that in our businesses? You’ve seen other successful people in your industry doing what you want to do so you’re like, “Well, I see them doing it so if I just say what they say and do what they do, then I’m going to create the same results.”

That is not necessarily true. In this case {the story in Acts 19}, we find it was not true at all because they had not made the investments of their time, talent, or treasure like Paul did. Paul made the investments!

For example, I’ve been investing at the level of my dreams for years. I’ve invested and gained the experience to become a product of the product. For that reason, I’ve wanted others to invest in themselves at a high level so they could break generational cycles and create generational wealth. For that to happen, it had to start with me! 

Have I arrived yet? Absolutely not. 

On some level I have, but there’s still room to grow according to the vision that I have which is to be a multi-million-dollar business owner then flip that around and help a thousand other families create that same success! 

I want that for you!

If you are still getting triggered by your prospects’ triggers during the sales conversation, listen to Episode 8 of my podcast to learn how to connect with them from a place of hope and inspiration versus manipulation.


The final reason your offers are not converting prospects into paid clients: you have a poor money mindset around your offer.

This really taps into those beliefs about your offer measuring up. When you’re in a place of comparison, that’s a poor money mindset. You are so focused on what other people are doing, it’s putting you in analysis paralysis. So, instead of spending time finding your ideal clients and connecting with them authentically, you’re spending time trying to prove your offer is good enough. 

That “good enough” energy is keeping you in a “cycle of stuck”. 

I go into more details on how to overcome that “good enough” comparison energy in Episode 8 of The Gifted Entrepreneur Show where I talk about how to move from a ‘proving’ energy to a ‘connecting’ energy and how to have a conviction belief knowing who you are and the products or services you provide ARE good enough and worthy of your ideal audience moving From Prospect to Client.

~LaDondra Hervey

Podcast Host | Generational Wealth Accelerator | Christian Business Coach | Transformational Keynote Speaker

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