The Keys to Unlocking Generational Wealth for Christian Women

Keys to help Christian Women Entrepreneurs to create Generational Wealth without burnout, hustle, or unfulfillment.

  • What is generational wealth anyway?
  • Is it okay for Christian Women Entrepreneurs to pursue generational wealth?
  • Is it for some people but not for others?
  • Acquiring generational wealth seems like a long road, when should I begin making it a priority?

Generational Wealth is the buzzword going around but what does it mean and why does it even matter – on top of all the other questions mentioned above!

Generational Wealth is:

  • Wisdom passed down from
  • A transference of healing
  • An overflow of financial possessions
  • A good name passed down
  • Good relationships
  • Good health

My favorite of the above mentioned is “Wisdom Passed Down” because everything else hinges on this one principle (we’ll go deeper later)! You will frequently catch me saying that Generational Wealth is Generational Wisdom passed down from generation to generation!! It has been a song that I’ve been playing deeply in my heart for years, but have recently put words to! 

It’s an anchoring belief that continually shapes the decisions I make regarding my family, my team, my business and the relationships that I choose to engage in. 

So where do we begin with WISDOM and how can we use it to create generational wealth in our business!

As a Christian Business Coach I firmly believe that the Bible holds the key to address these beautiful questions. In this blog, I will be addressing this question from the perspective of how we use Biblical principles to Coach our clients. The principles that I will be outlining are ones that have proven themselves true in my business and countless business owners that we have had the honor to partner with over the last 8 years. I pray that you will find these principles useful along your own journey towards creating generational wealth. Let’s get started.


PRINCIPLE 1: The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord

We understand that everything begins and ends with God! He is the Author and Finisher of everything. That means He holds the answer to EVERYTHING! So, our first step in creating generational wealth would quite naturally be building a relationship with the Author / The Creator/ The Manufacture / The Finisher the One who holds everything together. I firmly believe that building generational wealth begins with a relationship with Father-God. The foundation of wisdom is building a relationship with the Wisdom Giver – the One who understands the inner workings of everything! One of the biggest mistakes I see Christian Woman entrepreneurs make is making their mentors, life, books, university, Google and everything else their first resource! Since Father-God is the Wisdom behind everything then quite naturally He should be the One that we consult FIRST to understand the true meaning of generational wealth, how it applies to one’s life, and how one can build a life of generational wealth!

PRINCIPLE 2: Learning to hear God

Growing a business and learning to create generational wealth can get really noisy! Seriously, think about it – everyone has something to say about the next right thing to do! There’s sooo much information! This saturation of noise is constantly impeding our ears on a daily basis, which can make it difficult to know what to do sometimes. AMIRIGHT! 

The bible teaches us that hearing is a principal thing. You hear God repeating throughout scripture, “He who has an ear let them hear.” Through hearing He reveals THE Instructions we need to live a Godly life in Him and the keys to creating generational wealth BUT if you can’t hear then how will you know what to do? When I say hear, I’m not just speaking about your external ear where it’s bombarded with the noise of the world, but rather your spiritual ear –the one that serves as your direct line to Father God’s voice and His instructions. The place where it’s not noisy. In fact, most times it is a soft gentle sound, a whisper, an impression upon your heart, or even subtle nudges or urges to do something. In this place the sound although soft sometimes – it’s clear and it holds the keys to understanding Father God’s heart to building generational wealth! When your spiritual ear is fully tuned in, the words written in scripture become fully alive in your heart and mind! And when you become consistent in tuning into those Words it’s like you’re turning up the volume to wisdom and understanding and from that place it becomes easier to apply the Word God in a way that activates generational wealth! The kind that flows into every area of our life – and from that place you’ll discover the way to live and model your life as a Christian Woman Entrepreneur! This biblical model of living becomes the model that leaves a lasting impression in the lives of our children, clients, and community we’re called to serve! When done consistently according to the leading of scripture, can you see how that then transfers into generational wealth? This is why hearing is a principal thing – and tapping into the RIGHT Voice to inform the way you build is SUPER IMPORTANT to building generational wealth.

PRINCIPLE 3: Discover Your Unique Place in the Kingdom of God

Have you heard the saying, “follow the money”, or “chase the bag”?  I know I have and if I’m being honest I’ve been there a few times in my life where that’s exactly what I was doing. And what I can tell you now that I’m on the other side is each one of those experiences down that path has led to so many dead end roads in my business. Specifically dead end roads of unfulfillment — a life of pressure and burn out! I still feel a stint of that pressure as I write this blog, just to give you an example of how hard I was in it – it being that hustle culture of chasing the bag! I thought it was the RIGHT thing! Follow the money and you will find success – then you’ll be able to make an impact and have enough money to create generational wealth!  The follow the money mentally can look like you staying at that good paying job that’s draining your soul, ignoring that still small voice that’s been nudging you for years but you’ve settled for the security of the bag, allowing market trends to determine your career path, and so much more. Can you relate!?  

Part of creating Generational Wealth is discovering your unique place in God’s Kingdom! We help our clients begin the process of discovering their unique PLACE using an assessment. This assessment services as a starting place to help us discover questions like: What is your unique place in the business world and how do you begin that process? The following will guide you through the PLACE system that we use to assist our clients. 

  • Personality Style. God has given us each a unique personality on purpose! Your personality holds the key to connecting with the people you’re being called to serve and carry out your God-given assignment. That’s why it’s important that you not try to be someone you’re not or to apologize for how you’re wired! God wired you to be a dominant leader, influencer, stabilizer, or conscious of details on purpose and it’s your job to embrace those personality characteristics.Those characteristics unlock opportunities, partnerships, and Kingdom collaborations to take your business further faster.
  • Learning Your Spiritual Gifts. We have all been given Spiritual gifts as an extension of God’s power to build up one another through service. Your Spiritual gifts is the area you’ve been authorized to extend Heaven on Earth and demonstrate God’s power! Knowing them brings so much clarity to who you are, why you’re here, and how you’ve been equipped to serve others. Quite naturally operating from this unique power brings so much fulfillment and takes you out of the paradigm of the pressure to perform to secure the bag – into fully being who God destined for you to be which brings soo much fulfillment (aaahhhh breathe that in)!
  • Abilities Awareness. Here you get to understand the environments that your gifts and personality naturally thrive in! WHATTT!!! You don’t have to fit into the worldly box of being the most dynamic person on stage to create generational wealth! You can actually be the administrator behind the scenes and create generational wealth! Go figure! The world sells us on the idea that we must be THE loudest, most dynamic, outgoing person to create generational wealth. Truth is, God says, we’re many parts but 1 body and no gift or personality is better than the next. In fact, the covered parts of the body are just as important as the exposed parts. True generational wealth begins with placing your gifts and personality in the right place otherwise you will likely self-sabotage on the way up because you were never destined to thrive in non sustainable environments. 
  • Connecting Passion. Yes, your passions play a part. This is the part of you that carries those deep desires or affinities towards certain people or things. Your passion can also be found in those things that you feel righteous anger towards. For example you may feel righteous anger about injustice towards youth, certain gender or racial inequalities. Those are indications of a passion area. I like to say your passion is found in the things that God loves and in the things that He hates! It’s that thing where you share in Father God’s heart (or passion).  
  • Experience. Most of us hide our story and experiences in shame, never to expose our failures, wounds, defeats, and inadequacies to the world. Truth is, those experiences hold the key to connecting to the people, problems, and platforms that you’ve been called to serve on. The Bible says that we overcome by our testimony. That means the test of the experiences we’ve overcome (testimony) becomes the gift that we get to help others overcome. When we want to create true and lasting generational wealth it’s important to connect the dots of how our experiences relate to our God-given assignment. 

As you can see, creating Generational Wealth God’s Way contradicts the world’s way on all levels! However, it is the only true and lasting way to tap into the eternal blessing of passing down an overflow of wisdom, wealth, good health and lasting relationships from a place of peace and not worldly pressure. After reading this blog, I hope that you have a clearer understand in how to create generational wealth God’s Way, and that you also understand that as a Christian Woman Entrepreneur it is your birthright to tap into the inheritance of Kingdom Wealth and everything that flows from that (it’s not just for others it’s for you too), and lastly that you understand that there’s no time like the present to begin your unique journey towards creating it.

Creating Generational Wealth is a process that is unique to each person. If you’ve been feeling the pressure of being out of alignment and are ready to discover your unique PLACE in business you can begin your journey HERE!


~LaDondra Hervey

Podcast Host | Generational Wealth Accelerator | Christian Business Coach

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